There’s no doubt that solar energy has come a long way in the last two decades. Solar technology has become more advanced, more available, and more commonplace with every passing year since the early 90s. In fact, solar energy is more popular now than it’s ever been before, and powers our world nearly everywhere you look—from factories and power plants, restaurants and shopping malls, large country estates and small residential homes all over the world.

Despite the enormous growth of the solar energy industry, oil, coal, and natural gas are still widely in use. This is largely because switching to solar energy can mean spending a bit of money upfront, and because the technology is still considered new and unfamiliar to those that depend on fossil fuels to power their lifestyles.

At Maggio Roofing, we’re a top-rated solar roofing company in Washington D.C. Our team is always excited to speak with our customers about the amazing benefits of going solar, which we believe is a fantastic option for people that want to save money and the environment at the same time. There’s plenty of misinformation out there about solar energy that can leave one feeling confused and uncertain about the decision to switch to solar panels to power their homes.

In this guide, we’ll share some of the best benefits of solar energy that you can take advantage of in your own home. We’ll also debunk some of the common myths we’ve heard about installing residential solar panels in Washington D.C. and throughout the country, to help you make the choice that’s right for your lifestyle.
The Environmental Benefits of Going SolarSolar energy helps the environment as it’s a renewable source of energy—reducing the negative impact we have on the earth and helping in the fight against global warming. While fossil fuels are a limited resource, solar energy is limitless—which means we’ll never run out of it.

Another important environmental benefit of solar energy is that it’s clean. Once the panels are installed, there is no pollution emitted from these natural and renewable sources of energy—unlike fossil fuels power plants, which produce an enormous amount of emissions and waste each year. If you’re interested in cleaner air and a greener, more sustainable planet, going solar is bound to be the obvious choice for you.

The Financial Benefits of Going Solar

The financial benefits of going solar might seem a bit more confusing at first glance. While it’s true that homeowners will likely spend a bit of money installing solar panels, the savings should more than makeup for that initial investment over time.

But how much money can you actually save by installing Washington D.C. solar roofing? The answer can be a bit complicated as it depends on the unique circumstances you face as a homeowner. For one thing, the area where you live and whether you’re in an insolated or heavily-populated area will contribute to the energy you save and your dependence on fossil fuels for home maintenance. Another factor has to do with the amount of money you pay for your equipment. Many states offer rebates for residents that go solar—and this includes the Washington, D.C. area—that residents can take advantage of to save money on installation. The city’s climate plan, the Clean Energy DC initiative offers incentives like rebates and tax credits of up to 30% of the total cost of the installation to homeowners that decide to switch to solar energy.

If you are receiving a tax credit for the purchase of your solar panel installation, you’ll immediately begin noticing the savings versus those that pay out-of-pocket for 100% of the cost themselves. Additionally, the cost of solar panel installation has plummeted in recent years and isn’t nearly as expensive as it used to be. Many companies offer solar panels for a small down-payment or without any down-payment at all, with attractive financing or payment plans that can make the process of switching over a lot easier. If you purchased solar panels ten years ago, however, you likely paid a lot more for your system than you’d end up paying now—which can hurt the overall savings you’ve experienced since then.

Common Myths You Might Have Heard About Solar Energy

As we previously mentioned, there is a lot of misinformation and “fake news” regarding solar energy and solar panel installations. While some of these myths might have roots in some truth—for example, solar panels used to be a lot more expensive than they are today—others are flat out false or misguided. Here are some of the most common myths we’ve heard on the topic:

  • Solar Panels are Unreliable: A common misconception about solar panels is that the technology is not advanced enough to rely on them as a household power source. This is simply untrue, as solar technology has grown in leaps and bounds in recent years, and is capable of acting as a reliable, consistent, and efficient energy source sufficient to cover all of your household’s power needs.
  • Solar Panels Won’t Work if it’s Cloudy, at Night, or During the Winter: Another myth about solar panels says that they won’t work unless the day is bright and sunny. While it’s true that more power will be generated on very sunny days, your panels will still generate energy when it’s overcast or cold. At night, your system will function by drawing energy from the grid—or from a battery if you live in an isolated area. In fact, if more electricity is generated than what you need during the day, your home will act as an energy source providing power for the rest of the neighborhood—which might earn you credits from your electricity company (and an even lower utility bill as a result).
  • You’ll Never Recover Your Investment: This statement might have been true in the past when solar panels were expensive as a brand-new innovation and tax credits, rebates, and other incentives were not available yet. Today, homeowners can start seeing savings right away—depending on the amount of money they saved in their installation. If the monthly payment for installation works out to a lower amount than what they used to pay for their usual monthly electricity bill, you’ll notice savings happening immediately.
  • Solar Panels will Damage Your Rooftop: This myth might have its roots in truth, going back to when solar panels were less efficient, and installation was still in its infancy. Today, homeowners can make sure to avoid damage to their homes by trusting an experienced, licensed, and professional roofing contractors to install solar panels in Washington D.C. homes—or wherever else they live in the United States.

Making the Switch to Washington D.C. Solar Roofing

Deciding whether solar panels are right for you and your lifestyle is a big decision, but for many households in Washington, D.C., it’s often the right one. If you’re on the fence about switching to solar, we can help guide you in making the investment that’s right for you and the way you live. 

At Maggio Roofing, we’re proud to help our customers experience the joys of professional roof remodeling—with superior-quality products, flawless installations, and unparalleled customer service. We’d love to speak with you about your upcoming roof project in D.C., whether you’re in need of unmatched solar panel installation, roofing replacement, roof repair or maintenance work. 

For more information, give us a call to speak with our team of representatives over the phone. Or, you can fill out our online form to get started right away with a free, in-home pricing estimate and consultation.